Information about the

For Baptism enquiries and preparation please contact the Parish Office using the following email address: camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk
The First Holy Communion
For First Holy Communion Enrolment Forms please follow this link: First Holy Communion Pack.
These forms are also available to collect from the entrance to all our churches. For any further information please contact the Parish Office using the following email address:

The Confirmation Enrolment Forms are available in the Churches and by following this link: Confirmation Pack
Parish Adult Formation Courses
Alpha is the parish's primary course for inviting guests seeking to become Catholic Christians. It is also part of the parish's sacramental programme for adults who are seeking Baptism and/or Confirmation and Reception into the Catholic Church at Easter.
Further, we also invite existing members of the parish to participate in Alpha to deepen their own faith and to be better able to invite future guests to Alpha.
Alpha is Zoom based and meets weekly for 8 weeks. These courses can be on Zoom or Face to Face. If you are interested in joining us for Alpha, please contact Sandie in the parish office camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk or
01276 473525.
Sycamore is an informal course about the Christian faith given in a Catholic Context and exploring its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter. Each session involves a short film and time for discussion. Everyone is welcome.
To find out more about Sycamore and how to attend a future course, please contact the Parish Office.

Holy Orders
If you think that you hear God’s calling and would like to find out more about joining the priesthood, please speak to Fr Paul Turner – Parish Priest who can help you with your discernment.
You can reach Fr Paul Turner via his email address;
Paul.turner@abdiocese.org.uk, or phone number 07497 347 731.
For Matrimonial enquiries and preparation please contact the Parish Office using the following email address: camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk

Sacrament of the Sick
‘Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.’ (James 5:14)
As Jesus showed so much compassion for the sick in his lifetime, so too the Church cares for the sick and ministers to them today. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be received by any Catholic whose health is in a critical state. What this looks like is someone anointing the forehead and hands of the sick person with holy oils and praying with them.
‘The Anointing of the Sick imparts consolation, peace, and strength and unites the sick person, in his precarious situation and his sufferings, with Christ in a profound way.’ YouCat Question 245
If your or a loved one is sick and requires anointing with holy oils, please contact Fr Paul or the Parish Office.
Parish office:
Telephone: 01276 473525
Fr Paul Turner: paul.turner@abdiocese.org.uk
Telephone: 07497 347 731