Our Mission
Parish Mission Statement:
We encounter Jesus - We Grow Together In His Love
Making disciples who encounter the saving love of Jesus Christ. Growing together by being known, loved and supported. Empowered by the Holy Spirit to worship, witness, and serve.
Hello I’m Fr Paul,
What do we mean by our Mission Statement and what do we hope to achieve?
Before I go into this, first let me welcome you again to the Camberley and Bagshot Catholic Parish. Our community is centred on the love of God and the teachings of Jesus. We invite you to join us for our services and be a part of our family.
I would hope people who encounter our parish would know and feel that our parish is a place where people’s lives are transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. Not only within our church buildings but with those we engage with as we go about our daily lives.
That our catholic worship is a joyful thanksgiving of what the Lord has done for us. That everyone connected with our parish is or will be personally known loved and supported, and that we give priority to newcomers, seekers, and non-believers. And that above all else, they know that our worship and particularly the sacraments are the occasions of God’s grace that transform each and every one of us.
At the heart of what we try to do are the Alpha and the Sycamore programmes, these enable Catholics, seekers and newcomers to enquire of our faith in Christ and our life discipleship within the church.
This year we are focussing more and more on providing pathways of faith for families who gather together to bring their children up in a real Christian living environment, to encounter Christ’s love in the church.
We want to ensure that everybody who comes to us will be known loved and supported by someone. That everybody has someone who prays for them and knows them and loves them. This is the heart of our work and this is the mission to which I invite you all to engage.