The Catechism tells us that:
‘ … the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ.’
Confirmation is the sacrament that completes the sacrament of baptism.
Confirmation is the Sacrament that complete the sacrament of baptism. In this sacrament, the grace we first received in baptism is completed. By the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are unified more closely with Christ and our relationship with our Father in Heaven is strengthened.
At the beginning of our journey towards Confirmation, we think about our identity, what makes us the person we are? We think about our dreams, our hopes for the future, and what sort of person we want to be, what we think God wants for us.
As the group begins this step in their journey of Faith together, they will ask you to help guide them on their way, to support them on their journey and to celebrate with them as they grow in faith.
It is vitally important that all the sessions are attended and so please pay special attention to the dates of the course and ensure they do not conflict with other activities you may like to plan.
Our young people are the face of the future, you as their primary teachers will understand the need for evangelisation, to understand fully their faith. To hear the Gospel in a way that is fresh, intriguing and relevant, compelling and attractive. Too often we make the mistake of assuming that our children have made a choice for Christ and for His Church, when the great majority of them have not yet made that choice, they are just going with the flow. They need to be boldly invited to choose Christ and to choose His church.
The theology of Confirmation informs us that it is about God choosing us, but we are endowed with free will and so for God to do his best work in us and through us, we need to respond and cooperate just as Mary and the saints did.
It is our hope that this program will not only prepare young Catholic for the Sacrament of Confirmation in a compelling way but will also teach and inspire them to respond and cooperate with God’s grace in all the circumstances of their daily lives, long after their Confirmation has passed.
Preparation to receive the sacrament involves various meetings: Firstly, the parents and candidates will meet with the priest and the Catechists who will help support the Candidates through the course, answering the questions of faith which they may have.
The Candidates will attend 2 or 3 sessions monthly. They will assist with a couple of Masses throughout the year, and will usually visit Wintershall Nr Guildford for the Nativity Presentation, an evening of Reflection with Bishop Richard usually in Woking or Crawley and possibly a Christian concert at the O2 arena. The aim is to deepen the candidates personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and to awaken in them a sense of belonging to the Church in whose life they are to take an active part.
Those who are aged 14 on or after the 1st September (Year 10) are invited to join the parish programme, this is not automatic, you will need to register your interest by completing the enrolment form. If you have any questions please contact the parish office by email to camberleyandbagshot@abdiocese.org.uk