‘Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’ (John 3:5)
Baptism is called the gateway to life with God. Jesus came to give us life to the full – a real life full of joy, peace and hope! So, by taking your child through “the door” of Baptism you will give them the potential for the very best life imaginable. They will come to learn about God’s unconditional love and begin to hear His voice telling them that they’re special and that He is pleased with them.
For Baptism enquiries and preparation please contact the Parish Office using the following email address:
We are delighted to work with you and help you develop your child’s faith formation. We hope as committed parents and primary educators in your child’s faith that this is a wonderful journey for you all filled with the Holy Spirit.
This first step of Infant Baptism and the promises you make on your child’s behalf are the foundation stone to their life in Christ and their relationship with Jesus.
When should we register?
The Church recommends that the baptism takes place shortly after the birth of a baby, parents are encouraged to register for Baptism preparation as soon after the birth of your baby as possible. No baptism date is given until your preparation is complete.
How do we prepare?
After registering, parents attend sessions that are designed to connect you to your faith community, inspire you and your family wherever you are on your journey of faith and prepare you for a rich experience receiving the Sacrament of Baptism.
The Baptism Preparation Course includes 4 sessions; a Meet and Greet/Q&A, A family Blessing and 2 further sessions with a Q&A section.
Who attends the sessions?
Our parish baptism sessions are designed for families baptising their child at the Camberley and Bagshot Catholic Parish. Both parents should attend all sessions bringing their children to the first 2 which take place in the Church and if they wish they can bring their children to the following 2 sessions which take place in the hall.
For registered parishioners who have been asked to be a godparent of a child whose baptism will take place at another parish, email us as we are exploring alternate options to support you.
Should we retake the sessions?
If you've already taken the classes at C&B Parish within the past three years and you are a regular attender at Mass, you do not need to retake them. Just let us know when you attended the baptism course by providing a letter or certificate from the parish with that information.
“For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. So too is the role of the Godparents, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptised child or adult on the road of Christian life.”
Choosing Godparents
Godparents have an essential role in the lives of those receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. Following are some helpful guidelines to remember as you select your godparents.
What is the role of a Godparent?
The role of the Godparent is to be a Christian role model for the child. He or she should be a mature Christian who will establish a lifelong faith relationship and will be willing to walk with the child on his or her faith journey.
Who chooses the Godparents?
The parents of the child select the Godparents. The parents of the child are not permitted to act as a Godparent for their child’s baptism. A Godparent should be someone who will be a part of the child’s life on a continuing basis and be an excellent example of living the Catholic faith. If you are struggling to identify a Godparent, please let us know if we can help you brainstorm possibilities!
How old should the Godparents be?
Godparents should be at least 16 years old. The role of Godparent is an adult role, so be sure that if you ask a young person to carry out this duty that he or she is mature enough to fulfil the tasks.
Must Godparents be Catholic?
1 of the two God Parents must be a confirmed Catholic who regularly attends worship.
How many Godparents should we have?
We recommend selecting two Godparents for your child, but you may decide to have only one. If you choose two Godparents, one must be male and the other must be female, and both must meet all the requirements.